Current Life Members:
Carol Bloodworth
William Buchanan
Dick Chesney
Yvonne Coon
Curtis Freeland
Jim Heinicke
Dennis Kissinger
Alan Morris
Joe Palacioz
Howard Partington
Jim Witt
Life membership may be granted to an individual who has been a full or affiliate member of KACM and currently retired from or no longer employed in the profession. The purpose is to promote and improve the proficiency of its members and public administration in Kansas Life members shall pay no dues, hold no office, or vote. Benefits of life membership include reduced rates to conferences and access to the listserv.
Upon retiring from active service with a local government, any full member who has met one of the following criteria is eligible to become a Life Member.
- Has completed twenty-five years of membership and, for those same twenty-five years, has been eligible to be an officer of the Association.
- Has been eligible to be an officer of the Association for at least fifteen years and retires from active service with a local government at age sixty-five or older.
- Has retired from active service with a local government and who, in the opinion of the Board Officers, has made an outstanding contribution to the development of the profession may be granted life membership by vote of the Board Officers.